Saturday, 12 May 2018

NoahFul Gift

The newly revived "NoahFul Gift 2017"

Formerly known as "NoahFUL Gift in Differ" (and sometimes "Fan Appreciation" or "Fan Thanksgiving Festival") this is the name given to the end of year show which takes place after the final night of Winter Navigation, and usually during late December\early January when Japan rests for a week during New Year.
These shows are fun, all rivalries and story lines are forgotten, and like the Halloween show, wrestlers dress up. Memorably one year, Misawa appeared in blue (ironically the color of All Japan) as opposed to his usual green, in a match against Takashi Sugiura, he ended up sitting in the crowd and a little child offered him some water.

In yesteryear it was also the time when Noah held a flea market in which they sold their own old ring wear. Due to Noah's difficulties these did not take place during the dark years, but was revived again in 2017. In yesteryear these were far more full on with a lottery, talk shows, photo sessions and dojo Chanko served.

Genba's pants
Genba Hirayanagi (retired September 2016) said he was going to turn up in the pants in the picture above. Naomichi Marufuji said that was what was known as obstruction of business, while Takashi Sugiura pointed out that no one was going to want to buy those.

Yoshinari Ogawa article database

Obviously if you type in "Ogawa" into the search engine of the blog (which is not the best), you will find more articles than the ...