Tuesday, 26 November 2019

"Hoss Fight"

Wrestling slang\western. Comes from "horse fight" ("Hoss" being a southern American word for "Horse"). It basically means a massive fight between two large beasts, which are usually either heavyweight or thickly set junior wrestlers. Technical wrestling is not a factor in these matches, they are usually two fighters who punch, slam, kick and throw each other around, and they don't hold back when doing it.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

"Mud Boat"

Phrase used by Kazuyuki Fujita to describe Noah, it has two possible meanings;

1. An easy to sink ship made from mud, it mat also be from a parable about something that is likely to go away soon.

2. Kabuki reference. Kabuki is traditional Japanese theater, in which the stage is very spartan. A box with mud in it was used to represent a pond, lake, rice paddy etc.

Yoshinari Ogawa article database

Obviously if you type in "Ogawa" into the search engine of the blog (which is not the best), you will find more articles than the ...